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It takes heart work to do the hard work, and I know you can do it friend! We are in this together!
Are you in need of a reset? Feeling as if everything could swallow you whole? Been going a million miles a minute and just need a moment?
You are in the right place my friend. Most likely you just need a soft place to land and those beautiful reminders of what IS possible that will awaken the childlike belief in
you once again. Sometimes you just need those “a - ha” reminder moments of what you already knew was true deep in your soul, but it had gone to sleep in the middle of well... life.
Sometimes it's the SIMPLEST of things that tend to refuel us the most. That is why BITE-SIZE INSPIRATION was born.
Sometimes we have so much bombarding us nonstop from every angle and we just long for one simple truth to focus on throughout the day. You are not alone. Come on in, grab a cup of tea, curl up and get ready to ponder deeply the simplest of notions that may just radically change your life.
So, if you are ready to be inspired and refocus my friend, this just maybe the tool you have been looking for to get re-invigorated for the journey.
When you change how you see and what you see, and what you think, your whole world changes.
This book helps do that.
Susan W. Brown is the International Bestselling Author of One Year Of Thankful Thursdays, the life changing Peace Of Mind Blueprint, and Founder of Legacy Game Changers, a company she and her husband started to equip Visionary Believers with the firm foundation and tools needed to transform their lives and businesses into legacy makers that actually leave the impact they dream about while rediscovering joy In Jesus along the way. Susan has a ridiculous love of life, people, her family, and most of all Jesus. Her love for her fellow humans in steeped in the extreme hardships she has lived through and overcome. She’s lived homeless in her car, struggled in her marriage early on, been an EMT and struggled watching others suffer in extreme conditions, was a Health & Safety Director at a local Red Cross chapter during 9/11, became a caregiver to her mom in dire circusmtances as her mom became a C1 quadriplegic in the blink of an eye after beating Ovarian Cancer, had 4 miscarriages, nearly died on the floor in front of her 2 young children, struggled with severe depression and anxiety, has moved 12 times in 23 years, been a struggling entrepreneur, successful entrepreneur, and lived a life-long journey of being underestimated, rejected, and struggled with self-hatred and even questioned her faith at times. She now is here to share with you all she has learned that is on the other side of all the pain and hardships we face in life. Completely addicted to seeking and seeing God everywhere and personal growth in Jesus while she still has breath in her lungs, she's unwilling to let you not come along for the ride, knowing too well that someimtes we all just need a friend and someone who believes in us. Well, Susan sees you and believes in you and wants for you to rise up, overcome and become the Legacy Game Changer you were born to be my friend. She's the author of the new book BITE-SIZE INSPIRATION: 100 Inspirational Perspectives to Refocus and Refuel Your Life. She's a wife to her best friend of nearly 24 years, mother of two beautiful daughters, house renovator, investor, inspirational speaker, and leader who is passionate about inspiring struggling or worn out believers and lifting them up towards the greatness they were made for by God. She's also excited to be an active philanthropist in her community. Her and her husband recently purchased their first house for homeless in their community, specifically to help transition families out of homelessness, and that is only the beginning. She fully believes that we are put here on this earth to make a difference and that is exactly what she hopes this book will do in your beautiful one-of-a-kind life.
© 2023 Susan Brown Coaching